How Much Is Your Company Worth?

Whether you’re buying a company in the built environment (architectural, engineering, or construction) or selling, it’s vital to understand how the industry and potential buyers, value companies. The following basics will give you a good understanding of how to value a company in the built environment. In today’s market, everything from the management structure to…

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The Value of a Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory Firm

There are a lot of factors to consider before making the big decision of selling a business in the built environment which is why many sellers decide to consult a mergers and acquisitions advisory firm. Selling your business is something you’ll probably do only once. There’s no opportunity to take a trial run or build…

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Selling Criteria for Your Business [Critical Read]

Criteria as we define it in the business selling process is your motivation to sell your business.Stating your criteria first and foremost is very important in the process of selling a business.We often revisit criteria throughout the process and buyers will ask about your motivations/criteria for selling.If your criteria changes, let us know and let’s…

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Your Transition Plan Might Need to Start Now

Everyone in the built environment wants to know the trick to successfully selling a business or executing well on any exit strategy. Is it assembling a team of the best advisors, building a huge backlog, or having a strong second tier of leaders? Those things are great, but the secret to successfully selling a business…

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Am I Ready to Work with an M&A Firm to Sell my Business?

You may be more ready to work with an M&A firm than you think, especially in view of increased M&A activity in the built environment.  Don’t wait until it is too late to sell your company. The most common reasons as to why companies don’t want to engage us now to represent them for sale:

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Make no Mistake – Time Kills Deals

When it comes to mergers and acquisitions – TIME IS THE ENEMY!  Time allows people to second guess decisions, consider other offers, revisit criteria, and even re-evaluate original decisions. Time feeds procrastination and allows people to, many times, overthink the situation while riding that emotional rollercoaster that we all try to avoid. Time allows buyers…

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Selling a Company in the Built Environment: How the Process Works

Congrats on selling your marketing agency. This is a super exciting time for you! If the process seems overwhelming, don’t worry. With the right team guiding you through the process step-by-step, you can rest assured knowing that the acquisition process is a smooth and rewarding process. Step 1 – Set-Up an Introductory Call Set-up an introductory call…

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